
Dmux Components


  • DmuxConnection connects one Source to Sink.
  • DmuxInstance can run multiple DmuxConnections.
  • Multiple DmuxInstances running same DmuxConnection will load balance.
  • LoadBalance is function of Source. In case of KafkaSource it load balances using Zookepeer.
  • DmuxInstance is HA stateless component which you can install on any compute VM and scale out to the number of Kafka Partitions. Good to use Instance group to resize.

DmuxConnection Block Digram

  • DmuxConnection connects Source to Sink. Example connectionTypes = kafka_http, kafka_foxtrot.
  • DmuxConnection enables you to configure dmuxSize concurrent consumer Sinks along with batching to achieve high Throughput.
  • Dmux is written Go and leverages go coroutines and channels to achieve high vertical scale. Most cases would need just one Dmux instance to run many DmuxConnections.
  • KafkaSource interface in Dmux is a High Available KafkaConsumer which reuses the Zookeeper used by KafkaBrokers for Partition Balancing and Offset management.
  • During Partition Rebalancing between Dmux instances, Client can expect replay but there will be no data loss.
  • Dmux ensures ordering per Key when distributor = Hash. Note this is default distributor type.