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How to enable

  1. Build rack utils docker image as below

    docker build utilities/rackuitls/ --network host --build-arg AppName="RackUtils" -t "hbase-rack-utils:1.0.0"
    docker push hbase-rack-utils:1.0.0

  2. Enable sidecar along with hmaster container as described below in values.yaml file

    - name: rackutils
      image: hbase-rack-utils:1.0.0
      cpuLimit: 0.2
      memoryLimit: 256Mi
      cpuRequest: 0.2
      memoryRequest: 256Mi
      runAsUser: 1011
      runAsGroup: 1011
      command: ["./entrypoint"]
      args: ["com.flipkart.hbase.HbaseRackUtils", "/etc/hbase", "/hbase-operator", "/opt/share/"]
      - name: data
        mountPath: /opt/share
    • /etc/hbase is where hbase configuration is mounted
    • /hbase-operator is zookeeper znode where rack topology information is stored for each datanode
    • /opt/share/ is path on hmaster container where topology information is stored
  3. Command using which rack(fault domain) information can be fetched from each datanode

      faultDomainCommand: "cat /etc/nodeinfo | grep 'smd' | sed 's/smd=//' | sed 's/\"//g'"

  4. Add following configuration in hbase-site.xml


How it works

  • Refer to previous section before reading further

  • Rack state for each datanode is stored in zookeeper znode example: /hbase-operator

  • Each datanode has init container refer: chart/templates/meta/_faultdomain.tpl which at the time of creation updates its latest faultdomain in znode

  • Hmaster side container as described above, reads the znode /hbase-operator and constructs topology file /opt/share/

  • Topology file is configured in hbase-site.xml for hmaster to read each time a region assignment is made. Favored nodes of each region would be on different racks wherever possible.