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Deploy Operator

Deploy Operator

Hbase operator is written to understand hbase tenant and hbase cluster Custom Resource Definitions of kubernetes.

Build Docker image for Hbase Operator

navigate to /operator under parent directory of this repository

  1. You can build operator using following command

    make docker-build IMG=hbase-operator:v1.0.0

    docker build -f Dockerfile -t hbase-operator:v1.0.0 .
  2. Push docker image to remote registry

    docker push hbase-operator:v1.0.0

    or to run in minikube

    docker save hbase-operator:v1.0.0 | pv | (eval $(minikube docker-env) && docker load)

Deploy Operator

Via Makefile

navigate to /operator under parent directory of this repository

  1. Deploy operator image in your kubernetes. Use -n optionally to specify namespace

    make deploy IMG=hbase-operator:v1.0.0 -n hbase-operator-ns
  2. UnDeploy operator. Use -n optionally to specify namespace

    make undeploy IMG=hbase-operator:v1.0.0 -n hbase-operator-ns
  3. Hbase operator is verbose enough on any operations performed. You can check container logs using kubectl or other mechanism. Example

    kubectl logs hbase-operator-controller-manager-76b4455b76-t4bbb -c manager -f -n hbase-operator-ns

Via Helm Chart

  1. Modify namespaces to watch for under examples/operator-chart/values.yaml. This ensures only those namespaces are watched on which objects to be created

  2. Base Helm Chart: You can find base helm chart which packages all the necessary manifests into single package. Navigate to helm-charts/operator-chart from root directory of this repository. You can build the package using following command

    helm package helm-charts/operator-chart/
  3. Deploy Helm Chart:: You can find example helm chart to deploy operator under examples/operator-chart

    helm upgrade --install --debug example examples/operator-chart/ -n hbase-operator-ns
  4. Hbase operator is verbose enough on any operations performed. You can check container logs using kubectl or other mechanism. Example

    kubectl logs hbase-operator-controller-manager-76b4455b76-t4bbb -c manager -f -n hbase-operator-ns